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Author Topic: AnimationCompleteDelegate Problem  (Read 3921 times)


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AnimationCompleteDelegate Problem
« on: February 21, 2013, 02:49:21 pm »

I'm trying to sequence some animations but it doesn't work as I expect it.
The Problem is that animation 2 immediatly starts even if animation 1 has not finished.
Maybe I'm missing something, so here's the code:

function raise () {
   var thomb: tk2dAnimatedSprite = null;
   for (thomb in thombScatterIcons) {
      var anim:tk2dAnimatedSprite;
      anim = Instantiate(prefab_anim,Vector3(thomb.transform.position.x, thomb.transform.position.y, thomb.transform.position.z-0.1),Quaternion.identity);
      switch (Random.Range(1, 6)) {
         case 1:
                  anim.animationCompleteDelegate = switchAnimToIdleMode(anim,1);
            case 2:
                  anim.animationCompleteDelegate = switchAnimToIdleMode(anim,2);
            case 3:
                  anim.animationCompleteDelegate = switchAnimToIdleMode(anim,3);
            case 4:
                  anim.animationCompleteDelegate = switchAnimToIdleMode(anim,4);
            case 5:
                  anim.animationCompleteDelegate = switchAnimToIdleMode(anim,5);
function switchAnimToIdleMode(anim:tk2dAnimatedSprite,Id:int)
   switch (Id) {
         case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
    return null;