That's understandable, you have quite a few users at this point!
In case anyone needs this in the future, I think I got it changed correctly in the tk2dUIManager script under the "checkForHovers" section. I changed this...
if (!isPrimaryTouchFound && !isSecondaryTouchFound && hitUIItem == null && !Input.GetMouseButton(0)) //if raycast for a button has not yet been done
hitUIItem = RaycastForUIItem( Input.mousePosition );
else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) //if mouse button is down clear it
hitUIItem = null;
} this...
if (!isPrimaryTouchFound && !isSecondaryTouchFound && hitUIItem == null && !Input.GetMouseButton(0)) //if raycast for a button has not yet been done
hitUIItem = RaycastForUIItem( Input.mousePosition );
If this isn't right please feel free to correct me. Everything seems to be working though