Yep! That produces the same results. Here is a screenshot. The shopUI in the center is set to x=0, y=0, z=0. Camera is at x=0, y=0, z=-100. The force editor resolution box unchecked on run.
Also interesting, if I change the native resolution numbers in the editor, the camera moves in relation to the screen as well (both during and after run). However, changing the native resolution to the same resolution (600x1024) does not result in perfect positioning -- the sprites are correct on the x axis, but a bit low on the y axis.
I programmatically change the size of my sprites based on Screen.width and Screen.height using transform.localScale. Would that also mess with it?
Let me know if I am making some simple mistake.
EDIT: Apologies. After messing with it, changing Fitmode to constant and x=0, y=0 seems to have fixed it. Whenever I programmatically center a sprite, I set its XY postion to Screen.width/2 and Screen.height/2. I assume if the Fitmode is set to center, it pushes all sprites at those XY coordinates away by the difference of the camera moving from 0,0 to center, or something of the like?