Hello. I'm using AnimateShowWindow() in my project. That function also call coTweenTransformTo() where calculates the speed of transforming using tk2dUITime.deltaTime.
At first scene start everything works great, the problem begins after load new or reload scene.
For ex: First scene start, my player reached finish collider and a window with totals appears in 0.5f at this moment tk2dUITime.deltaTime equals ~0.013 and everything is ok. Then I press retry button and scene reloads with Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedlevel) at this moment tk2dUITime.deltaTime still equals ~0.013, then my player get in collision with finish collider again, and at this moment tk2dUITime.deltaTime become equals ~1-9, and window with totals appears very very very slowly.
Dear 2dToolKit team pls advise. Of course I can replace tk2dUITime.deltaTime with 0.013f, i tried it and it works good, but i'm not sure this is professional solving the problem.