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Author Topic: Fatal errors with Unity 4.3.1f1 + 2D Toolkit 2.3.0  (Read 4112 times)


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Fatal errors with Unity 4.3.1f1 + 2D Toolkit 2.3.0
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:51:35 pm »

I just updated Unity and 2D Toolkit and now I have 36 fatal errors :-(
Here's a screenshot. Any ideas how to fix this?

I went from:
Unity 4.1 > 4.3.1f1
2D Toolkit 2.0 > 2.3.0

For example the first error points to the last line of this:

Code: [Select]
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

[AddComponentMenu("2D Toolkit/Camera/tk2dCamera")]
/// <summary>
/// Maintains a screen resolution camera.
/// Whole number increments seen through this camera represent one pixel.
/// For example, setting an object to 300, 300 will position it at exactly that pixel position.
/// </summary>
public class tk2dCamera : MonoBehaviour
static int CURRENT_VERSION = 1;
public int version = 0;

[SerializeField] private tk2dCameraSettings cameraSettings = new tk2dCameraSettings();


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Re: Fatal errors with Unity 4.3.1f1 + 2D Toolkit 2.3.0
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 11:22:40 pm »
Have you run Setup For JS after updating?


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Re: Fatal errors with Unity 4.3.1f1 + 2D Toolkit 2.3.0
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2013, 05:02:40 am »
That solved the problem completely :-)