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Author Topic: tk2d tilemap Generation.  (Read 4451 times)

Sam K

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tk2d tilemap Generation.
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:48:03 am »
I have a few questions. Some of these may be beginner questions but it would be a lot of help if you answer.
Im going to make a card game for mobile. The view will be like clash of clans.
  • The Map Can Expand
  • The view will be iosmetric as mentioned earlier
  • Everything will be retrived and send to the server eg. position of tiles ,buildings, level etc etc
  • The game which im going to make is done in IOS Cocos2d. Those guys havent used any tilemap library. They have written theri own iso lib. I saw the tilemap tutorial its for level making and tilemaping. But what i want to do is make the map dynamically.
  • Considering my requirement should i use tilemaps and would it be sufficent, ofcouse for the part it does. and What does ISO tiles do. Tile type ISO.
  • And now that unity has provided the sorting layers and depth. What should one use the tilemap layers or the Unity sorting layers.
  • Im using asset bundles download content and create sprites from them very rare but do when some changes occur. What if a new hero comes or a building. because Tilemap uses spritesheets. I would have to pack the bundle with a sprite sheet and replace the existing one with it . any issues you see here

I loved the tilemaps i think it can be used in my situation. Kindly reply to these questions.


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Re: tk2d tilemap Generation.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 09:56:54 am »
1. tk2d doesn't allow you to resize the tilemap once created, but you can create a max size map (1024x1024) and leave it like that, you only pay the price for the tiles you use.
2. You can make it isometric, but the buildings etc should be sprites on top of it for sorting reasons.
3. You have to handle the replication yourself.
4. Docs here - http://2dtoolkit.com/docs/latest/html/classtk2d_tile_map.html you can create / modify the tilemap in code.
5. You can have isometric tiles in tk2d, but sorting will likely be an issue if you have overlapping tiles.
6. tk2d tilemap layers al sort together - they are optimized to one object. Performance is optimal, but if you need complicated sorting this might not be the best option.
7. Nope, the tilemap has a sprite collection assigned to it, you can either change that, or the associated material and/or texture directly.