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Author Topic: 2D Toolkit and Tilemap workflow question  (Read 6175 times)


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2D Toolkit and Tilemap workflow question
« on: October 03, 2014, 11:38:45 pm »
Hey guys,

I am new to Unity and the toolkit. I have a question.

What is your workflow of using the toolkit tilemap features to build your levels ?

I mean, i am currently converting a game from another engine and what i was doing is loading dynamically the level each time the player leave the actual level. I also plugged a persistance system to it which enable me to return to that level anytime. So that mean i am gonna have tons of levels.

I wanted to use Tiled but the triggers aren't really that complex. So what would you do ?

1- Go 1 scene = 1 level and use 2D Toolkit to import the .TMX into each scenes then add my stuff inside each of them manually from the Unity editor ?
2- Go dynamic. Load by code the level as i did before (Dunno if this can be done with the 2D toolkit import) in one scene only and code my own persistance system to it. For triggers use seperate .XML files per trigger which define the actual trigger for objects which gonna be loaded in a base class.
3- Put all my levels in one scene.


What should i do ?


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Re: 2D Toolkit and Tilemap workflow question
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2014, 09:15:58 pm »
I'd go with option 1. Its not particularly intrusive once you get started with it and its the most efficient performance wise.


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Re: 2D Toolkit and Tilemap workflow question
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2014, 10:16:57 pm »
My game is like a Metroid game. So i will probably end up with a persistance system between scene. So option 1 is still what you would do ? Basically making the level in seperate scenes and linking them up ? That what i wanted to do first, but i wasn't sure if anyone would do it this way. I believe i will end up with many problem if i go with dynamic load of levels. I would have to handle a trigger system and all.


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Re: 2D Toolkit and Tilemap workflow question
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 09:32:14 pm »
So i will probably end up with a persistance system between scene.
That is a completely different problem. You can have a large level if you prefer, that could work if your levels arent that big, but you'll need to manage memory somehow. You either fit everything in memory or stream parts in.

That said, its a completely different, pretty hard problem that isn't really anything to do with tk2d - you will need to figure out how to handle a large streaming world + persistence in Unity first - usually with additive levels and managing persistence somehow without losing performance. Or you could make levels and have load screens, etc.


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Re: 2D Toolkit and Tilemap workflow question
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2014, 11:00:25 pm »
So i will probably end up with a persistance system between scene.
That is a completely different problem. You can have a large level if you prefer, that could work if your levels arent that big, but you'll need to manage memory somehow. You either fit everything in memory or stream parts in.

That said, its a completely different, pretty hard problem that isn't really anything to do with tk2d - you will need to figure out how to handle a large streaming world + persistence in Unity first - usually with additive levels and managing persistence somehow without losing performance. Or you could make levels and have load screens, etc.

You right. Its a much different problem which are outside of the scope of tk2d itself so i won't go any further. Anyway i made up my mind.. seem like the solution is pretty 1 scene = 1 level. So i will make up a kind of persistance system to go with that. Its less work than supporting an outside editor throught. I really prefer to work with the tk2d tilemap editor for this.

Thanks you very much! :)