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Author Topic: Crazy crash bug with Unity 4.6  (Read 5097 times)


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Crazy crash bug with Unity 4.6
« on: November 30, 2014, 01:49:35 pm »
Ok, you may call me crazy, but I have just spent entire day trying to track down what is causing my project to crash outright when opening any scene with 2dtoolkit sprite in it.

It happens with the following condition :

1. It happens Only with Unity 4.6 .. works perfectly fine with Unity 4.5.5.
2. It happens when 2dtoolkit sprite objects are child of some other game objects.
3. It only happens when there are more than one of the same sprite in the scene. So it doesn't happen if there is only one.
4. It only happens when sprite uses mesh collider (from 2dtoolkit sprite setting)
5. It seems like it only happens "if" the sprite is also linked to the prefab. ie ( blue in hierarchy)
6. It happens if the gameobject with problomatic 2dtoolkit sprite is active in the hierarchy.
6. It only happens when "open" or "load" the scene itself. So when I open project/scene using 4.5.5 and then deactivate those game objects and then save, open using 4.6 it opens fine. Activating the gameobjects after that is also fine. Save the scene, and then quit Unity. Fire up Unity 4.6 again (which will load previous scene) will cause Unity to crash back into desktop.

Took me whole day just to nail down to the condition like above. I have a single gameobject (empty) and two 2dtoolkit sprite game objects as a child in a scene and it happens.

So my conclusion so far is..

It definitely got something to do with using mesh collider by 2dtoolkit. Definitely only happens with Unity 4.6

At first I thought this has got to do with prefabs made using Unity 4.5.5 and trying to use it in 4.6 is causing the problem. So I made new prefabs with 2dtoolkit sprite and saved it using Unity 4.6. Created a game object. Bring in 2 of the instances and parented under the empty gameobject I created. Saved scene. Quit and Restart Unity 4.6 .... Then boom crash again.

I still used old sprite collections, but I am too tired to try new collections at the moment.

Does any one having issue like this with Unity 4.6 ???



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Re: Crazy crash bug with Unity 4.6
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2014, 09:33:42 am »
That is so bizarre, I can't reproduce this. Can you post a repro project in the private support forum please?


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Re: Crazy crash bug with Unity 4.6
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2014, 09:49:26 am »
I will have to trim down my project a lot till this happens .. It will take some time.. but yeah I will try it..

I have never gone to private support forum... where is it (again? ) hehe.


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