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Author Topic: Infinity or nan floating point numbers appear when calculating matrices for coll  (Read 5504 times)


  • 2D Toolkit
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I upgraded my project to Unity 5 (was on 4.3.4 prior) and I'm now getting the following exception. It appears frequently, though I haven't pin pointed exactly how to reproduce yet. I'm actually not 100% sure which version of 2Dtk I'm using, I believe at least 2.4.

I'm curious if this is a known issue yet? A quick search didn't come up with anything.

Infinity or nan floating point numbers appear when calculating matrices for collider.
UnityEngine.BoxCollider:set_center(Vector3) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\artifacts\generated\common\modules\NewDynamics.gen.cs:2210)
tk2dBaseSprite:UpdateCollider() (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dBaseSprite.cs:542)
tk2dBaseSprite:set_spriteId(Int32) (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dBaseSprite.cs:235)
tk2dBaseSprite:SetSprite(tk2dSpriteCollectionData, Int32) (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dBaseSprite.cs:277)
tk2dSpriteAnimator:SetSprite(tk2dSpriteCollectionData, Int32) (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs:739)
tk2dSpriteAnimator:SetFrameInternal(Int32) (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs:703)
tk2dSpriteAnimator:UpdateAnimation(Single) (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs:588)
tk2dSpriteAnimator:LateUpdate() (at C:\workspace\Overtime5\Assets\TK2DROOT\tk2d\Code\Sprites\tk2dSpriteAnimator.cs:735)


  • 2D Toolkit
  • Jr. Member
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  • Posts: 59
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    • Overdeveloped
I update tk2d to 2.5 and this error went away, so false alarm I suppose!