I'm trying to detect when two sprites are colliding, and decided to use triggers as this was recommended in the Unity documentation as a very simple way to do collisions. I couldn't figure out how to make 2D Toolkit generated (box-trimmed) colliders to be triggers, so I simply switched the sprite colliders to "Unset" and committed the sprite collection.
I then dragged an instance of my main character (the player's car) sprite into the world and gave it a box trigger collider and gave it a rigidbody (and checked IsKinematic). I also have a prefab of a tk2dsprite called generic_car that I generate multiples of using Instantiate(). I placed a box trigger collider on that prefab. When I run the game, everything looks good (almost).
I placed a script on the main character sprite and put an onTriggerEnter(Collider other) function in there with a simple Debug.Log("Collision!") call.
Issue 1: The debug log never gets called, so collisions aren't working.
Issue 2: Something funky is going on because when I set the z-value of the main character sprite's box collider to say, 100, it shows up all nice and thick - until I press play. After running the game, it switches back to 0.2 and I cannot say why. I thought it was because 2D Toolkit was overwriting the collider component but I double checked my SpriteCollection and every single sprite has it's collider to 'Unset'.
Could use some help figuring out what's going on. AFAIK the Unity collision matrix says a rigidbody trigger collider (kinematic or not) will collide with any kind of box collider.