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Author Topic: Base size of a TK2D-powered project  (Read 5090 times)


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Base size of a TK2D-powered project
« on: December 23, 2012, 01:20:02 pm »

I am trying to figure out why I have a huge size difference between what the build log reports (~60mb, uncompressed) and what I see in the iOS Usage screen (~110mb). The Unity Answer (open question) is here

More specifically, I am trying to figure out if it has anything to do with tk2d.

Does anyone know what is the base size of a minimalistic tk2d project? One with
1. A simple and small sprite collection
2. An animated clip
3. A font

I mean, to the best of my understanding, the extra 50mb on my project can only be caused by code libraries ("using" statements), so I am wondering if tk2d brings too much overhead with it.

Thanks for any info.


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Re: Base size of a TK2D-powered project
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 02:59:18 am »
tk2d only uses System.Colletions.Generic (mscorlib), and doesn't use anything (xml, etc) which bloats up your project massively, so that almost certainly isn't it.

What is the "estimated app size" on the iOS Archive page in Xcode?

I've never really bothered looking at how much space an app takes after its installed to be honest. If the estimated app size doesn't correspond, I'd test with a basic Unity project, Angry bots or something.

tk2d overhead should be next to nothing.


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Re: Base size of a TK2D-powered project
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2012, 01:27:24 pm »
Well, that is interesting.
The "Estimate App Size" button in the archive page gives me ~60mb - which is the same size that the unity player log gives me, which means it is the size of my assets.

This is good.

But the Settings > General > Usage pane on the device gives ~113 mb - almost twice.

I have no clue how does this happen, and if I have anything to do about it.

I mean, I don't want to end up with a game that is too high in the Usage table, so that people will delete it as soon as they are done with it....

So bottom line, I guess it has nothing to do with tk2d, but if you have any other tip as for where to look for this discrepancy, it would be greatly appreciated.