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Messages - xikky

Pages: [1] 2
Support / Re: Check mouse click if on UI or not
« on: September 04, 2014, 01:04:46 pm »
I think I'm not understanding something here :/ .. I thought i could work with ignoring the UI layer but the trouble is that when clicking on a UI element, it's layer is not picked, but the raycast picks layers from behind the UI element.

Can someone provide how I can work around this? thankyou!

Support / Check mouse click if on UI or not
« on: September 03, 2014, 07:49:21 pm »
I know this can be worked out using Physics.Raycast, but is there any other way? and is Physics.Raycast expensive in performance?

Thank you!

Support / Re: override is not centered
« on: September 24, 2013, 08:03:01 am »
Hey, I'm sorry for posting now .. but i didn't get the email notification. I am also using an NGUI camera in the scene to show some hubs, as soon as I have time I will produce a repo project.

Support / override is not centered
« on: September 19, 2013, 05:20:34 pm »
I have a scene with a tk2dCamera and an override wildcard, fit visible, center. the game is designed for 1280X720 screens and looks perfect on my Note2. But when testing it on an iphone 4, fit visible works fine, but the screen is aligned to the top (as the height does not fit the whole screen). Is it possible to fix the screen to display in the center and thus showing black spaces at the top and bottom? I thought the 'center' fit mode would fix this.

Thank you!

Support / Re: Creating images at 300dpi
« on: August 04, 2013, 08:14:37 pm »
great! Thanks!

Support / Creating images at 300dpi
« on: August 04, 2013, 12:29:48 pm »
My designer told me that texture assets should be created at 300dpi in order to have sharp graphics in higher resolution screens such as Retina. My target resolution is 1280x720 and I don't know the process of converting an image from the target res into a 300dpi image, but I'm facing problems when importing 300dpi images such as background images which are provided to me at a res of 5333X3250 (instead of 1280X720), since unity only accepts textures of maximum size of 4096x4096.

Moreover, I'm not liking the resolutions of the assets provided. They are weird and too large. Should we still keep on creating images at 300dpi or should we design images at the target res?

Support / Re: How to build for multiple display sizes?
« on: July 27, 2013, 07:48:45 am »
Thanks I understand much more now

Support / Re: How to build for multiple display sizes?
« on: July 26, 2013, 01:15:14 pm »
Initially (and currenty) my target was 1280X720. I'm creating the game at this resolution and so a texture of 1280X720 will cover the whole screen exactly.

My concern is what if I need to change my target resolution for larger (HD) displays such as 1920X1080? Or is it that this isn't a problem since 2DToolkit will letterbox my display and so a pixel perfect resolution of 1280X720 is displayed on HD devices?

And if the game is rendered on a smaller resolution then my native res (1280X720) what will happen to my sprites and objects on such displays?

I'm sorry for all the questions but I've got loads to clear my mind about multi screen display and after reading the manual I still don't totally understand. I'm a noob here.

Support / How to build for multiple display sizes?
« on: July 26, 2013, 08:54:24 am »
I'm working in a mature project and I'm getting concerned about different screen resolutions and wish to clear this out. I'm working on a scene containing a tk2dCam having a native size of 1280x720.

First off.. what would be the best native res to start off a project?

What would be the best resolution of each texture that I import? Should it be 1:1 with native size? (meaning that if on screen I want a box of 100x100, should I import a 100x100 texture? I'm thinking of importing 200x200 instead and scale it to 0.5, in case if the resolution is larger, the sprite does not get stretched.

And how can I cater for all/most types of resolutions. What would happen to my sprites if the game is played from a 2560x1440 display (X2 native res - just for example) or simply from an HD display, or even at a lower res such as 800X480.

If I create a background of 1280X720 how will it be displayed on larger and smaller resolutions?

Thank you for reading, I'm pretty confused when it comes to build a game to multiple screen sizes and have no more than 1 device to test this on my own.

Support / Re: 3D object for tk2dCamera
« on: February 27, 2013, 03:54:40 pm »
Then I think best would be to use tk2DCamera, as I think that it behaves many similar to an Unity ortho Camera, and as I need letterboxing. This way would make it easier. Moreover, on this http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/26596-Orthographic-always-better-for-2D post, it is mentioned that ortho would be better for a 2D Game. Becuase perpective cam may differ a tiny little bit the performance due to perspective transformations, and I have no problems for Parallex Scrolling.

Support / Re: 3D object for tk2dCamera
« on: February 27, 2013, 12:15:57 pm »
I don't know how to exactly. But thanks for the help I will try this, it seems nicer.

Will letterboxing still be applied well when using 2 cameras like you mentioned?

Support / Re: 3D object for tk2dCamera
« on: February 27, 2013, 10:44:29 am »
I'm doing a kind of a pin pong game, where the player is at the bottom, keeping the ball from falling. I absolutely need some of the 'Side walls' to be in 3D. I also made the player and the ball 3D objects with rigidbody to behave under physics. All the rest will be in 2D, like particle emitters, collecting objects, etc.

I don't want to show any object in 3D so I don't need the camera set to perspective. I need orthographic purposely, to show the 3D objects in 2D.

I just thought, what if tk2dCamera was optimized for sprites and planes and not 3D objects? would I'd be better off with Unity's Camera?

I would rather use tk2dCamera though, to display other 2D objects in the game in pixel perfect.

And would resolution overrides work well in this case with all objects? (If I understand well resoultion overrides is used for letterboxing, am I right?)

Support / 3D object for tk2dCamera
« on: February 26, 2013, 04:15:05 pm »
Am I wrong if I still use 3D objects such as cubes, spheres, cloths, etc. in front of tk2dCameras? Should I be better of if I use Unity's camera?

I'm trying to use tk2dCameras to gain from their advantage of resolution overrides and GUI, but I wish to know which is better video and performance wise.

Support / Re: using tk2dCamera help
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:38:13 pm »
Much more clear now. Thanks you for the help :)

Support / Re: Animated Sprite collider not being created properly
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:48:34 pm »
sorry I didn't explained my problem with enough detail.

I would like to scale the sprite's collider in the z axis. Thus making the box collider into a much longer rectangle. Should I set the collider type to user defined in this case (as you suggested above) or is there another way, to scale the collider only in the z axis? At the moment I can only fix the box collider width (at the z axis) by scaling the sprite's z axis.

Which would be the best practice for this?

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