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Messages - jhillman

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Scrolling list
« on: February 15, 2013, 04:25:57 am »
We went ahead and upgraded, and I have started experimenting with viewport clipping with a tk2dCamera, but there are a few things that I don't understand.  The brief description of viewport clipping in the release notes for 1.91 say to set the Depth parameter to something greater than my primary camera.  My primary camera has a Depth of -1; should I use a depth of 0, or does "greater" refer to magnitude, so -2 is more appropriate?  Next, the description says to set the clear flags to "Depth only" or "Don't clear" depending on what I want.  What I want is to only show the game objects that are within the bounds of the viewport rectangle.  Is this "Depth only"?  Do I then need to set the depth of the game objects to the depth of the tk2dCamera?  I thought this might be done in the settings for a sprite collection, but I haven't been able to find a way to edit a sprite collection in 1.91.  Thanks very much for your time.

Support / Re: Scrolling list
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:18:41 am »
Thanks for the quick reply and for the directions on registering.  I have done so, and I am just waiting for approval.  The camera clipping in 1.91 sounds perfect.  I have never dealt with a beta of 2D Toolkit before; if an upgrade goes wrong, is it difficult to revert back to a stable version?  If so, would it be wise to wait for the final release to implement this?

Support / Scrolling list
« on: February 11, 2013, 10:44:51 pm »
I'm trying to figure out how to do a scrolling list of items without using GUI scripting.  I found this topic, where you provide a link to a technique for doing this with clipping:


The link in that message is broken; do you have a current link or another place I can look for guidance on this?  Thanks.

Pages: [1]