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Messages - BigDaddio

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Generating Tilemaps
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:20:50 am »
I use the tiles I guess I was explaining it wrong, I am generating tilemaps! the tiles are all created in the editor but the maps are made on the fly.

Support / Re: Generating Tilemaps
« on: October 07, 2013, 10:59:01 pm »
Why would I want to do this as opposed to draw it out? Have you heard of Minecraft or Terreria or any of those?  ;)

I am building a roguelike. If you are familiar the total premise of such is that the playmap is procedurally generated. Diablo all of them have procedurally generated maps.

Anyhow what I need is a way to find the Prefab tile and use Destroy on it. I believe I can just maintain a list. But if you have any better way. When you see my product (and you will) you will totally understand. The only other way I can think of doing it is to create a set of tiled rooms as prefabs and then attach them together into a giant map.

BTW does your licensing say I have to list you in the credits?

Support / Tilemap doesn't clear prefabs
« on: October 07, 2013, 04:11:41 am »
OK maybe I am doing this wrong, I created a sprite prefab, actually a TK2DtiledSprite. I used it in my tilemap by dragging and dropping it into the TileMapData. OK it displays correctly and works well, until I do something like ClearTile(x, y, 0); where the tile is the prefab, it doesn't get cleared.

The only way to remove the tiles are to destroy the gameobject... that is the tile. This is a real pain. I am using prefabs as doors. When a door is hit I can destroy the object, but lets say I redraw the tilemap. It leaves all the old prefabs, they don't get cleared.

Am I correct in the way I am doing this? I want the doors to have a singular trigger. So I created a sprite prefab with a trigger. I then dragged my sprite prefab into the tk2dTileMapData. Maybe there is a better way or a correct way to erase all the tiles in the map other than stepping though a 2D loop and clearing each tile? I do not draw my tilemaps I generate them procedural.

Support / Generating Tilemaps
« on: October 07, 2013, 02:31:17 am »
OK I am creating a tilemap in code completely. No drawing, works great so far but there are some issues. I want all my "doors" to be in layer 3 and the collider to be a trigger not a collider. I have seen that people say do this

create a prefab which has a trigger collider on it, and hook it up to the prefab spawning system. Now when that tile is spawned, it'll act as a trigger.

WTF? This makes no sense to me, like I do not understand what you are even saying.  Are you saying somehow I can create a separate sprite and set it up then insert it into the tilemap data or what?

On top of that the collders are not really attached to a tile, they are a single large thing. finding the tile that has been hit is a real pain.

Support / Re: Some suggestions and feature request for TileMaps
« on: October 06, 2013, 08:51:05 pm »
So this has not happened? I would like to create "doors" that are triggers, so when a player hits the door it opens, as opposed to hitting a wall and being stopped.

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