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Messages - vsn3e8

Pages: [1]
So, apparently my workaround does not work on IOS device. Hopefully yours will.

Sure will do.

The workaround I have currently is to simply not destroy the shared mesh collider and take the hit of leaving that guy around. Which isn't actually that offensive for my game.

I've managed to reproduce this, and I know what it is exactly. Just not sure how to "fix" this without making it take a lot longer to initialize. I can give you a tmp fix if you want. Email support at unikronsoftware dot com and I'll give you a script to work around this.

Sure will do.

The workaround I have currently is to simply not destroy the shared mesh collider and take the hit of leaving that guy around. Which isn't actually that offensive for my game.

I've managed to reproduce this, and I know what it is exactly. Just not sure how to "fix" this without making it take a lot longer to initialize. I can give you a tmp fix if you want. Email support at unikronsoftware dot com and I'll give you a script to work around this.


How do you spawn the sprite itself?

unity ver 4.1.2f
2d ver 1.92 final

I first run through and create caches of all collection data.
All sprites are then instantiated off of cached version's which are cached by a unique identifier.

I presume you're talking about mesh colliders here?
Also, can you pelase give me more info to investigate this with:
1. Unit version
2. 2D Toolkit version
3. How you're creating the sprite (instantiate, I guess?)

Support / Strange bug, destroying gameobject destroys ALL colliders
« on: May 20, 2013, 09:06:13 pm »
I'm running into a strange bug where by destroying a single instance of a game object with a tk2dsprite seems to screw up or destroy all colliders of every other instance of that same sprite.


Dug around a little, appears to be caused by the destruction of the shared mesh

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