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Messages - steverock

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: not getting pixel perfect - troubleshoot?
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:27:18 am »
Game window is maximized, 800x450. It looks the same in the web-build.

The sprite DOES look correct in the scene view.

I'm using mostly default settings, except I turned point sampling on.

Support / not getting pixel perfect - troubleshoot?
« on: June 03, 2013, 01:21:32 am »
I'm making a hex-grid game, and I need the hex tiles to line up perfectly. However, I'm not getting that right now. I'm using point sampling, I've confirmed that my camera ortho settings match the collection, etc.  Is there anything else I should try? Should I use the tk2dcamera to get perfect drawing?

My target res is 800x450, and my ortho size is 4.5. I'm using 4.5 so there's an easy relationship between pixels and world units (I should use 2.25 to make it 1:1, but 2:1 is fine for now). Is there a better way to do this?

I would like to scale my sprites by a constant factor (to get a low-res look), but even with 1:1 scaling it's still not pixel perfect. It appears to be aliasing.

Here's an example. Left is my original sprite, and right is what it looks like in game with 1:1 scale: http://imgur.com/b6hXmeU You'll notice his feet and hand are gone, and he appears fatter :)


Support / Re: Any reason to enable mip maps?
« on: June 02, 2013, 11:38:45 pm »
Ah I just updated, and I see the "mip maps" checkbox now. Sweet!

Support / Any reason to enable mip maps?
« on: June 02, 2013, 11:26:55 pm »
I've noticed that sometimes when I do a web-build, my sprites will end up looking compressed. I tracked the issue down to mip maps. I guess for web builds, Unity will use mip maps more aggressively, so if I have some objects that are far away in Z (even though my cam is ortho), it will use lower-res mip levels. The solution is simple: go into the tk2D atlas texture settings, switch the Texture Type to Advanced, then uncheck "Generate Mip Maps". I was wondering: Could this be unchecked by default? I imagine if you want pixel-perfect sprites, you will never want mip mapping. And, it's nice to use whatever Z values you want to depth-order things. Thoughts?

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