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Messages - tom123

Pages: [1]
Support / loading time when showing a sprite the first time
« on: April 19, 2014, 09:47:05 pm »
On older devices like iPad2 or iPhone4 there's always a fraction of a second that the game stops, whenever some particular sprites get shown the very first time. If that sprite gets shown the second time, it's all fine.

I don't have Unity Pro, so I couldn't use the exact profiling and now I can't even say a 100% sure that it's because of any toolkit 2d code. But generally, is there any known performance consuming code that gets run every time a sprite is shown the first time?

Support / Re: Tk2dTextMesh: change font size for part of the text
« on: March 23, 2014, 04:31:54 pm »
Thanks for the info.
I ended up still using one text mesh, but scaling the vertices manually.

Support / Tk2dTextMesh: change font size for part of the text
« on: March 22, 2014, 03:24:36 pm »
I have one Tk2dTextMesh (would prefer to keep it as one), and I want part of the text smaller than the other part.
For example until 10th character in one size, and from 11th character in another size.

Is there a straightforward way to do that?
If not, what would be the recommended way to go if I don't want to have two Tk2dTextmeshes?

Support / Re: multiplatform - simpler solution?
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:01:54 am »
Yes they are and they will be in the build.
You can remove them from the build, but that will be a manual process - you will need to move the appropriate files out of Resources/tk2d for the assets you don't want included.

I did that and it seems to work - thanks a lot for the info!

Support / Re: pause and continue tk2dAnimatedSprite
« on: July 27, 2013, 08:48:54 pm »
that worked, thanks!!
I wonder why I missed the Resume() method :/

Support / pause and continue tk2dAnimatedSprite
« on: July 27, 2013, 06:08:06 am »
When the user hits pause, I want all tk2dAnimatedSprites to stop, and then continue when the user hits continue.
What's the correct way to do this?
Right now I'm calling pause() on the tk2dAnimatedSprite, and then when the user hits continue, I'm calling play().

pause() works, but play() doesn't bring it back to playing.. is there anything else I need to call to get him to continue the animation?

Support / Re: multiplatform - simpler solution?
« on: June 27, 2013, 05:53:46 pm »
thanks for your fast replies! I got it all working :)

There's just one more thing I'm a bit confused about and I can't find anything on google:
Later, when I publish the game (iPhone and iPad), should I do extra builts for each device resolution?
And if not - are the larger (2x) files also being published and copied onto the smaller devices, even though I only need the 1x files?

Support / Re: multiplatform - simpler solution?
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:32:20 am »
ok, that's good to know - thanks!

got two more questions
1) Is it important that all my image files that I'm using for ipad3 (larger resolution) have a 2x after the name? Or would it be enough if I just use them in the sprite collection window and set the 'Current Platform' attribute there as 2x. And then have in all my lower resolution files 1x at the end of the name? I've tried this but then he didn't cut the sprites properly, like he used wrong uv values..

2) is there any recommended function where I call
tk2dSystem.CurrentPlatform = "2x"
The tutorial says, call it before loading anything - but I believe the sprites will all get loaded already before I call the first Awake function in any of my objects?

Support / multiplatform - simpler solution?
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:32:58 pm »
I'm in the middle of making a game with toolkit 2d, and I've done all my graphics for the iPad3 size, with the plan that I'll just scale them all down by half and use that for iPad2, and iPhone4+5

So I was hoping I could just go into the Data directory of each Sprite Collection and add another image that has half of the size, calling it atlas0Small.png. And then somehow switch between atlas0.png and atlas0Small.png
But by switching to the smaller one, the result comes out blurry on the iPhone5.. even though it now has the right amount of pixels according to the iPhone5's resolution.
Is there anything that I'm missing?

Then I've looked at the official way of how to handle the multiplatform thing on toolkit 2d:

but it doesn't seem logic to me why I have to scale down every single texture, rather than just the main one - meaning atlas0.png?

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