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Messages - Flashist

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Glow for single sprite
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:35:53 pm »
Thanks for answer.

Support / Re: Glow for single sprite
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:49:32 am »
Sorry for delay.

Here 2 images:
1) glow_current.png - how it looks now in Unity (screenshot).
2) glow_how-need-to-be.png - combination of background and pre rendered glow image (I made combination in Photoshop). It will be great to reach full (or almost full) similarity of Unity and Photoshop images.

Support / Re: Glow for single sprite
« on: July 01, 2013, 10:05:57 am »
Yes, pre-rendered image has alpha channel (please check image attached to message).

I found some solution for me: I use another shader for Sprite Collection with glow image (before: tk2d/SolidVertexColor, now: tk2d/AdditiveVertexColor).

Now image looks better than before, but glow doesn't seem equal to glow on pre-rendered image =(

Support / Re: Glow for single sprite
« on: June 30, 2013, 07:47:56 pm »
> The solution to recommend would depend on what platform you want to do this on,

It will be great to reach as many platforms as I can Now I want to bring my app on PC, Mac, iOS, Android and maybe PS3 (I understand, that I may have problems to bring my app to all platforms, but it will be great to get 1 app for all these platforms).

> how big the sprites are

I have square with size 30x30 pixels. And want to create glow around it.

> or if you have room in the atlas for glow sprites

I'm new in Unity3d (came here from Flash development) and I don't know much about atlases and rooms =( Please, could you tell more about this solution?

Also, I can create pre-rendered image with glow effect (in Flash) and use it. But when I tried to do that I see next thing (please check attached screenshots).

P.S.: sorry for my bad bad english.

Support / Glow for single sprite
« on: June 30, 2013, 11:44:19 am »

Please, could anyone help me with adding glow effect for single object in 2dToolkit? Maybe someone may share example scene?

Pages: [1]