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Messages - atamize

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Issue: tk2dCamera viewport Squishing at Edge of Screen
« on: June 01, 2014, 08:19:26 pm »
That did the trick. Thanks for the help!

Import this package into a project with tk2d already imported. Open the Test.unity scene. There should be a sprite in the scene pointing to the 2D toolkit logo, but really you can use any sprite to see the effect.

Run the game in the editor. Drag the slider to move the current camera's viewport rect x value. You can switch between the tk2dCamera and Unity camera. Notice there is not really a difference between them and the sprite retains its shape.

Now build and run a standalone version. Notice that dragging the slider with the tk2dCamera causes the image to distort, whereas using Unity camera does not cause distortion.

I'm using version tk2d version 2.4.0 on Unity 4.5.0f6. What I want it to do is not stretch the image when I change the viewport rect x or width (which is true when running in the editor). The pixel perfect override gives the same result as not having any override. The resolution of the game window is the same in the editor as the standalone build, but the issue occurs regardless of resolution.

I am experiencing a similar issue. The weird thing is, I am getting the results I want inside the Unity editor, however if I build a standalone or iOS version, I get a stretched image on both viewports (when their rects are not set to default values).

The context is, I have 2 cameras: camera1 is drawing the right side of the screen, camera2 the left. As I increase camera1's rect.x, camera2's rect.width increases the same amount to fill in the gap.

I do not have any resolution overrides on my tk2dCameras.

Is there a way I can get the same results in the standalone as I do in the editor?

Support / Select and move multiple points on a polygon collider
« on: August 02, 2013, 05:11:07 pm »
I really like the polygon collider editor tool, but I would like to be able to select multiple points and/or islands and move them all at once. The reason is that my sprite has been extended and now the points are all offset. I'd rather not have to move all the points manually as my islands are quite complex. Is this possible to do, if not can I request it as a feature?

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