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Messages - Florp

Pages: [1]
Support / Scrollable Area Mouse ScrollWheel amount
« on: June 17, 2015, 07:05:50 pm »

Can I scale the effect of the mouse wheel for scrolling a Scrollable Area? In my very long list (1000 items, with 10 visible at any time), the mouse wheel is jumping the list up/down by 100 items. Is it scrolling by a percentage of total size per wheel tick?



Support / tk2DUIScrollBar doesn't work when paused
« on: April 13, 2014, 12:52:10 am »
I'm using tk2DUIScrollBar to create a slider that works just fine when timescale > 0, but doesn't respond to user input when timescale = 0.

Other 2D Toolkit UI items don't seem to care about deltaTime; is ScrollBar an exception, or am I using it incorrectly?



Support / Multiple cameras
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:37:12 am »

I'm using a two-camera system so I can have some GUI elements zoomed and others not. Looks great....  but the collision boxes of the non-zoomed buttons are scaled as if they are seen from the zoomed camera, so they don't line up correctly.

This makes sense to me, because the tk2dUIManager is referencing the zoomed camera, so it's "seeing" the collision detectors accordingly.

What's the fix for this? I tried to add a second tk2dUIManager to handle the non-zoomed UI elements separately, but it appears to be a singleton and won't let me add a second instance.

Thanks for any suggestions,


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