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Messages - BicPenatmeter

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Advice needed for design of 2D title with 2D Toolkit
« on: September 24, 2013, 05:55:03 am »
Question. Couldn't  TileMap.SetTile() just change the UV coordinates on the existing mesh for those verteces corresponding to the changed tile (as in this case where the user is animating the tile via this method) instead of rebuilding the mesh?

Also, if I wanted to do this manually on the mesh created by the TileMap, because I want to change a specific tile's color or uv values, do you store vertex index data per tile coordinate anywhere? If not, is it possible to calculate vertex indexes through a formula like:

int tileVertexIndex = (x * tileMap.height + y) * 4

? Thanks for your feedback.

Pages: [1]