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Messages - BBaller1337

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Whack a Mole Tut Help/Basic Questions
« on: September 22, 2013, 05:29:05 pm »
I did originally create the camera but I think at some point while I was playing with things I reverted to the old one. Anyhow, I recreated it again afterwards, so that's not the issue... the issue was the Pixels Per Meter setting, as you said. I forgot to set one of them to "1" again. My apologies for the tiny mistakes, I'm not very familiar with what to check yet so it didn't really occur to me that would be it (I thought it'd have to do with the scaling).

As for the unity package, I wasn't able to see the scene (it just continued to show mine after I imported it), but I'll try again when I have time. Thanks for the help again.

Support / Re: Whack a Mole Tut Help/Basic Questions
« on: September 22, 2013, 02:38:48 am »
More questions:

- when I imported the whole, I had to scale it to 20x its supposed size to get it to be viewable, but the graphic size should be big enough that it doesn't need scaling. Why is this? I need things to resolve at their actual resolution that they are from their source image, without anything to complicate it, so I'd really like to understand how this works...

- also, the elements underneath it (dirt, mole) were very sensitive in terms of X and Y position--the tutorial said it had a Y-pos of "60" to get it to be right, but mine only took 3.5 (I have a feeling this might have to do with my scaling, because 3.5*20 = 70 which is close to 60)

- at the end is a .unityPackage, how can I use it to look at the example project to this point? Trying to import it just makes it import a bunch of assets... I was hoping I could see exactly what was been done so I could compare and use it to really fortify my learning experience.


Support / Whack a Mole Tut Help/Basic Questions
« on: September 21, 2013, 04:35:26 am »

I'm new to Unity trying to build a 2D (not 2.5D) platforming game. Having done some research I heard 2D Toolkit was good for 2D games in general so I thought it'd be a good start. Unfortunately I'm already running into some trouble.

In the Whack a Mole tutorial, it wants me to create a background which may ultimately result in something like this. However when doing the part where I insert the Fields (see http://unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/doc/2.20/tutorial/whack_a_mole/game_objects.html section "Putting Sprites in the Game" step 2), it doesn't display properly in the "Game" menu. I tried changing my pixels per meter to 1 (it was 20 but I noticed one of the images had it changed to 1) and I tried redoing the steps but to no avail.

I can kind of get it to work by scaling it but if the image has a width of 1024 and my game's resolution is 1024, I should be able to insert it with no need for scaling, correct? I ultimately want to create a game with a resolution of something like 640 x 360 and I'm having all the graphics drawn for this resolution so if I have to have things oddly scaled it's going to really be a pain...

Here are a few pictures to help show my situation:


Thanks for any insight anyone can offer into what's causing the problem and how I can solve it.

And on a side note, if anyone has any suggestions for using 2D Toolkit to create a 2D platformer... I would love them. I'm also worried about upscaling from 640x360 (native res) to 854x480 and 1280x720 (Wii U gamepad/720p res) and have no idea how that would work in a 2D project like this (I just want something very simple to implement but without grey bars and they're all the same aspect ratio so...) but maybe this isn't the right place for this, haha...

(Heck, I would be willing to pay someone to help hold my hand sometimes so I don't spend hours getting stuck on simple things/the learning process and can focus on actually making the game...)

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