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Messages - Woppix

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Resolution questions
« on: November 12, 2013, 09:13:42 pm »
Awesome, went to check out platform specific collections in the documentation, didn't realize 2dtoolkit had them.

Also if you guys would add me to the private forum group when you get the chance will be awesome :) Sent a request in a while ago.

Support / Resolution questions
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:08:35 am »
Hey, I just recently purchased 2dtoolkit to convert my game over to unity. My question is with my games resolution. My game uses a set sized game screen, kinda like what you would see in a puzzle game. Which means i can't zoom the camera out to show more of the background in order to target multi aspect ratio, however I of course need it to look well maybe even pixel perfect. I prefer to make the game take up the entire screen no matter what the device is rather than use black bars. This I'm sure will require multiple assets. Anyway, to the point now.. will i be able to accomplish this task with 2dtoolkit and unity free? I read somewhere that in order to use multiple assets I would need to use asset bundles in the commercial version. I have limited experience in unity so far so just want to be sure I can accomplish the task.

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