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Messages - Cybertiger

Pages: [1]
Support / Rebuild Index Memory issue
« on: September 04, 2015, 10:54:39 am »
I am using 2DToolkit version 2.5.4 on a MAC with 8Gigs of RAM.
Rebuilding Index crashes my Unity due to a Memory exception as my project is quite large.
Rebuilding Index was actually always working fine but i had to rebuild my Unity library recently due
to a crash and now rebuilding index always crashes while "Scanning Project Folder..." at almost the beginning...
usually takes about 5 minutes to rebuild the index for my project.

I was wondering if there would be a way to rebuild the index in chunks through code?
If not, would you have any other suggestions to get around this memory problem?

Many thanks in advance

Support / Navigate through Menus with keyboard
« on: January 23, 2015, 03:16:05 pm »

How would i go about navigating to lots of menu items (buttons, textinputs, checkboxes, etc.) with keyboard or joypad?
Is there a builtin solution for this or do i have to write my own thing?

Many thanks in advance

Support / Help with AnimationEventTriggered
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:18:59 pm »

I can't figure out why below is not triggering? I have tripple and quadruple checked that the trigger is set on the specific clip.

Code: [Select]
//play the Idle clip

//call the event
animator.AnimationEventTriggered = pushUpEvent;

void pushUpEvent(tk2dSpriteAnimator animator, tk2dSpriteAnimationClip clip, int frameNo)
        tk2dSpriteAnimationFrame frame = clip.GetFrame( frameNo );
        print ("EVENT: info is " + frame.eventInfo);

Support / Re: Shifting the Hue of animated sprites
« on: December 19, 2013, 08:13:49 am »
Thanks for your advice. 
I have noticed that tk2d doesn't let me change my shader. My shader is on my sprite and everything seems to work but once i play a animation it jumps to the the default tk2d Shader for 1 frame or so and then jumps back to my custom shader.
Could you please explain how i would go about palettes? Do you mean i should create custom sprites for each color?


Support / Re: Shifting the Hue of animated sprites
« on: December 18, 2013, 07:56:39 pm »
Damnit ....i was looking for a solution the whole day but as soon as i posted i found this which seems to work for anyone else trying to do this:

A option for a hue shift would be a great addition to the standard tk2d Shaders. ;)

Sorry for the spam guys.

Support / Shifting the Hue of animated sprites
« on: December 18, 2013, 07:43:37 pm »
I thought this might be a common thing to do but apparently not as i looked around.
Could anyone please point me in the right direction how to shift the Hue of a animated sprite. I don't want to do the tint thing in the  sprite as it also changes my whites.
I have heard that a shader solution might be the best way to go but i have no clue how to achieve this or where to find such shader

Many thanks in advance

Support / Problem with tk2dSpriteAnimator.CurrentClip
« on: November 14, 2013, 03:12:32 pm »

I am trying to recieve the currentClip name but i have problems doing so:

Code: [Select]
public static void playClip(tk2dSpriteAnimator animator, string clipName)
//check if the clip exists
if(animator.GetClipByName(clipName) != null)

//THIS PART RAISES ERROR: Object no set to an instance of an object
print (animator.CurrentClip.name);

print ("AnimHelper: Now playing clip " + clipName);

} else
print ("AnimHelper: ATTENTION.... clip " + clipName + " does not exist for GameObject " + animator.gameObject.name);


But if i comment out the line with "CurrentClip" i don't get the error: "Object not set to an instance of an Object"
Thanks for your help

Pages: [1]