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Messages - Baal

Pages: [1]
Support / TileMap for Multiplayer game with TileBuilding
« on: January 10, 2014, 06:20:41 am »
Hi. I try to make a Multiplayer game for 10-20 players using 2dToolkit and Photon Networking. So i try to make a Sync Tilemaps object by TileMap.Data and TileMap.RenderData. Application send this data to cloud, but dont receive, so... i think this data is too Big. Is any way to send/get small information about change on TileMap? Without tons of Code :)? Sorry for my English

PS. I Have disabled Coliders for fast Build ;)

Support / Low FPS during Build
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:59:25 pm »
Hi. I want make game with terraforming, building roads etc. Using 2d Toolkit. I writen this code:

Code: [Select]
   Plane p = new Plane(Tmap.transform.forward, Tmap.transform.position);
      Ray ray = Camera.ScreenCamera.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
      //RaycastHit rayhit;

      float hitD = 0;
      if (p.Raycast(ray, out hitD))
         float fx, fy;
         if (Tmap.GetTileFracAtPosition(ray.GetPoint(hitD), out fx, out fy))
            xxx = (int)(fx);
            yyy = (int)(fy);
            // you know what tile you're hitting now
               Debug.Log("x: "+xxx+" y:"+yyy);
      if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) {
To change Tile in TileMaps (change Tiles to Road Tiles) But every time when i click my FPS was falling from 70+ to 30 and my character ignore collision (jump over river) so i can't use this solution in game :( There is any other way to smooth tile changing?

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