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Messages - ortolan

Pages: [1]
Many thanks! Thought I was missing something.  :-\

For anyone else who may have made my mistake; I exported the font from Glyph Designer at 3 different sizes (including the 3 associated fnt files). I then created a font in an existing sprite collection, added the @1x font texture and fnt file, when I then committed the texture it picked up the 2 higher res/larger fonts at 2x and 4x.

3 imported fonts;

font at 1x in existing sprite collection;


I'm having difficulty in creating a font that appears at different resolutions (@1x, @2x, @4x) for different platforms from within a sprite collection where the current sprites appear correctly at the correct resolutions when I change the option in 2dtoolkit prefs.

I've previously used the standard way of creating a font using Glyph designer, and following the instructions here;


Which in the past has produced good results, although going down this route recently has meant reducing the scale on the text mesh to .3 to get less blurry text;

However when I use Glyph Designer and try to create a font using an existing sprite collection, setup with 3 different platforms (1x, 2x, 4x) I can't see the font in the 'textmesh' drop down, and I get errors saying 'unable to find platform specific font...'

error message;

'test font' in sprite collection;

'test font' data/material info;

Camera setup;

I think I'm not understanding how I can get different image sizes out of Glyph designer to accommodate the 3 platforms (@1x, @2x, @4x). For a texture in a sprite collection I would normally just start with the 4x image and reduce it using photoshop to create the 1x and 2x images. But 2d toolkit doesn't seem to see the other platforms (2x, 4x), and Glyph Designer's BM font has specific measurements relating to the image saved.

So I have 2 problems;

If I go down the standard font route at the moment I get blurry text unless I scale it down.

If I try to create/use a font via a sprite collection, it doesn't show up in the drop down menu for a 'Text Mesh' and produces errors.

I've tried 'Rebuild index' and 'Rebuild all sprites' to no effect.

I'm sure I'm not quite understanding something basic. Hopefully someone knows an answer.

Many thanks.

Support / Re: Platform support at multiple resolutions and sprite size
« on: January 16, 2015, 08:40:12 pm »

Many thanks for the prompt reply.

Yes were right the images should have been multiples. I've now amended my test scenes and everything works really well.

As a ref. for anyone else I chose to go with the following 3 resolutions (the coloured boxes are the corners of the screen which are anchored within the 2d toolkit camera, just to use as a ref. for GUI etc);

1x 512x384;

2x 1024 x 768;

4x 2048 x 1536

Many thanks for your help.

Support / Platform support at multiple resolutions and sprite size
« on: January 15, 2015, 10:15:39 pm »

I've been a user of 2D toolkit for a while, but only now am I playing around with it's support for devices at different resolutions. But I've run into a simple issue which makes me think I've missed something when it comes to creating artwork at 1x 2x and 4x resolutions and the way they affect the look of sprites.

I'm trying to create a puzzle with tiles(sprites) next to one another, these will be clicked on to move the tiles or link to other scenes. However my sprites are increasing in size and overlapping when I change the 'platform' to 2x or 4x in the 2d toolkit prefs. Do I have to change their position via coding if the device is 2x 4x?

I've gone through the manual here; http://www.2dtoolkit.com/docs/latest/advanced/platform_specific_sprite_collections.html
and have setup my sprites and scene with a base resolution at 1x (480 x 320) and added support for 2x (1024 x 768), and 4x (2458 x 1536).
This works OK for one large background image.

My initial setup at 1x with some tiles selected;

What happens when I change the setting to 2x in toolkit prefs;

How my little test scene is setup in hierarchy;

the sprite collection settings;

2d Toolkit camera setup;

2d Toolkit camera overrides;

So what am I doing wrong? Is it to do with the sprites themselves not in pro? Am I going to have to code each position for each sprite so they do not overlap?

I'm using 2D toolkit 2.4.0 and Unity3D 4.5.4

Hope someone can help.

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