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Messages - Raven Travel

Pages: [1]
Support / Porting from XNA
« on: August 12, 2015, 04:19:56 pm »
Hi there, this is my first message here, so first of all let me say hello.

I came from XNA development and now i need to port my 2D platform game to Unity. Since i would avoid to rewrite the game entirely using the Unity GUI, i was investigating on 2Dtoolkit which seems to have very good api functions in substitution.

First question: can i work with unity using only the scripts and not touching the gui interface at all?

Second question: i'm creating a wrapper that redirects the former xna api calls to newer unityengine api calls (but i'm looking to point at 2dToolkit api calls) while compiling, so for example the old Microsoft.Xna.Graphics.Texture2D becomes a UnityEngine.Texture2D and so on, thus i can keep the original xna code as it is.

I need to translate functions for:

- XNA Spritebatch mechanism (and i've seen the StaticSpritebatchObject in 2DToolkit)
- XNA Blendstates (especially NonPremultiplied and Additive blend), i've seen that you can set something like this in the sprite collection of 2dToolkit
- 3D particles with depthBuffer management
- Something like the XNA AlphaTestEffect, to draw textures OVER 3D particles
- Custom shaders to apply for single texture or texture collections

If you can assure me that i'll be able to reproduce these features with 2DToolkit, in the same way (or almost) that i did it in XNA, i'll buy this package right now.

Thank you so much !! :)

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