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Messages - rludlam

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Sprites with jumpy and shifting pixels when moving
« on: March 14, 2016, 05:44:26 pm »
Ok, thanks -- any chance you could share the code that performs this kind of snapping? It's hard to believe that it's not asked for more often as it does create pretty ugly rendering of pixel images.

Support / Re: Sprites with jumpy and shifting pixels when moving
« on: March 07, 2016, 01:23:07 pm »
Hi guys, thanks for the responses.  @Ultroman: yes, I've clicked 1:1, and the sprites look good in the editor.  The issue is really only apparent in the game window. 

@unikronsoftware : what is the recommendation for handling subpixel issues like this with 2dtoolkit?  Do you have an example of how this might be handled in script when sprites are moving using float values?

Support / Sprites with jumpy and shifting pixels when moving
« on: March 03, 2016, 12:43:07 pm »
Hi all,
I'm very new to 2dToolKit and while I've enjoyed getting to know it, I am frustrated that I can't seem to get my sprites to look right.  When moving, the pixels are always shifting / jumping, so in one frame a line that is 2px in width might look right, but be 4px in width when moved slightly to the left or right.  After extensive searching, I'm guessing that this is likely due to sub-pixel movement, but I haven't seen any indication as to the best way to deal with that when using 2dtoolkit.  Any help would be much appreciated!

For some further info:
 - all my sprites are set to use point filtering
 - I am using a TD2K camera set to 1px / meter (have tried other settings as well), orthographic
 - Camera override is set to "Pixel Perfect"
 - Have tried various native / preview resolutions without any apparent effect

I'm attaching 2 files that show the issue (using SMB2 sprites for testing).  One is taken from the editor, the other from the in-game shot.  You can clearly see the difference between them in the eyes of the character.

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