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Topics - mellomike

Pages: [1]
Support / Some suggestions and feature request for TileMaps
« on: September 23, 2012, 05:17:16 pm »
Hello, I recently purchased 2D Toolkit (mainly for tilemaps) and I love it! I also understand that the tilemap feature is still in beta so I wanted to give some input and ask for a VERY big feature for our team.

#1 - Custom tile properties
Right now a tile can have 3 properties attached to it (String, Int, and a Float). However it would be even better if we could attach (not sure what it's called in C#) but a Dictionary/Hashmap/Object to the tile so that I can give a tile an unlimited number of properties if needed.

#2 - Event Tiles
Allow us to paint a special tile that triggers a Notification/Event/Function that our game can react to when the player GameObject collides with it.

#3 - Grid based character controller
Not sure if this one falls under 2D toolkit but I'll ask anyway. It would be nice to have grid based (up-down-left-right) character movement based on the tile size. I'm sure this can be done without the help of 2D toolkit... but it would be nice if it came with the kit :-))

That's all the suggestions I have (for now) ... keep up the great work!

Support / Pathfinding, AI and RPG top-down games?
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:51:51 pm »
I'm thinking about purchasing 2D Toolkit today ... but I have a few questions.

1.) With the new Tilemap features.. would I be able to make a game sort-of like the ones made with "RPG Maker" ... where I can have a tilemap and add collisions on certain tiles? I also want the player to walk left, right, up and down. I noticed most of the examples seem to be side-scroller / platformer games.

2.) With the tilemap feature, can I have layers? so that some tiles are above the main character?

3.) Can I use AI scripts and Pathfinding scripts on enemy characters/sprites in the game?

My biggest desire to use this kit is to make games such as the ones that were made with "RPG Maker". I just want to make sure I can still make those kinds of games with this kit.

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