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Topics - dariuslol

Pages: [1]
Support / Sprite Rotating in Atlas
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:38:20 am »

I've made a customized blur shader for my sprites, and I would like to independently control how much my sprites get blurred, horizontally and vertically.
In a standard texture, this is easy, but in the atlas, due to sprite rotating to better fit in, in some sprites my shader gets confused and blurs the Y axis thinking it's the X axis and vice-versa.
Is there a way around this?

Support / Baked Shadows/Lightprobes with Sprites
« on: November 18, 2012, 01:34:30 am »
I've purchased 2D Toolkit recently and it's a wonderful tool.
But in my project, I'm currently testing some effects possibilities.

Thanks to another thread, I've been able to lit my sprite, but I would like it to project baked shadows, if possible.
For example, if I have a tree sprite, when I try to bake it, what I get is a giant squared shadow. (I expected that).
When I try to bake a Unity plane with the same tree texture, I get a perfect shadowed tree projection.

Is there a way to achieve this effect with the tk2d Sprite?
And about Lightprobes, what's the current 2Dtoolkit compatibility with that?

I use the free version of Unity, if you must know. (no realtime shadows :/ )

Sorry if my question doesn't make sense lol

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