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Topics - TinSleeves

Pages: [1]
Support / Animation Issue after upgrade to 2.0
« on: July 11, 2013, 05:04:42 pm »
I just updated to 2.0 I get one error (pretty good going)

Basically in my game the player can mutate into different characters so I was just switching out my animated sprite using the following code
Code: [Select]
playerSprite.anim = (tk2dSpriteAnimation)Resources.Load ("player2Anim", typeof(tk2dSpriteAnimation));

but now i get the following error
Assets/Scripts/playerNEW.cs(194,30): error CS0122: `tk2dAnimatedSprite.anim' is inaccessible due to its protection level

Is there a way round this?

Support / Creating fonts with BMFont
« on: May 19, 2013, 02:34:21 pm »
I'm trying to get fonts working using BMFont and following the Preparing a Font doc, however I'm having a few problems.

What files do you need to come out of BMFont?
When I export I only get a .fnt, I selected PNG in the export options but still only get a .fnt. Any ideas what I'm missing?

Support / Empty Tile (tilemap)
« on: April 15, 2013, 05:52:19 pm »
I have blank tiles in my tilemap, however I seem to have a small square appear in these tiles even though there definitely is nothing in the texture.

These squares don't appear when you first set up a tilemap with the default blank tile, its only when using my blank tile.
Any idea what's causing this and is there a way to just add a blank tile without having one in the texture?

Support / Animation Library Problem
« on: March 21, 2013, 10:09:43 am »
I'm putting together an animation but when I open the sprite animator window and and go to select a collection for some reason it just shows the sprite sheet rather than the individual sprites, any idea why this is happening?

Also I tried to get round this by just duplicating and editing one of my existing animations which worked, but the new sprite animation isn't in the Anim Lib drop down menu

I do also have an Error message that says IndexOutOfRangExpection: Array index is out of range
I'm not sure if that's related

Support / HOTween fade
« on: January 06, 2013, 12:34:27 am »
I'm just trying to make a sprite fade out and I read that using HOTween is recommended, but I can't seem to get it to work on a tk2d sprite. Does anyone have an example bit of code for something like that?

I've looked at this thread http://unikronsoftware.com/2dtoolkit/forum/index.php/topic,542.msg2555.html#msg2555 and for some reason I still can't seem to get my head round it!


Support / Collision Problem
« on: December 21, 2012, 11:39:08 pm »
Hi Guys,
I'm having a slight problem with collision, for some reason my player sprite doesn't seem to collide with my tilemap where it should. Take a look at the attached image to see what I mean.

Any idea why this would be happening? I'm using a standard orthographic camera

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