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Topics - ealtorfer

Pages: [1]
Support / How does tk2dBaseSprite.color behave?
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:38:08 pm »
Hey there,

In our game we have a need to "colorize" sprites like this:

Setting tk2dBaseSprite.color definitely does...well, something. Can you explain the intended behavior of this property?


Support / Change sprite collection for an animation library?
« on: June 10, 2013, 05:14:56 am »
I'm creating a 2D RPG and I have made sprite collections for each piece of armor in the game. Each armor has the same animations for walk, idle, etc. and each frame is named exactly the same way for every piece of armor.

Is there a way to change the sprite collection used by the animation at runtime? Or, if not, is there some way I can duplicate the animation library and just change the sprite collection it uses in the editor? I haven't found a method for either of these.

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