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Topics - lazypeon

Pages: [1]
Either a bug, or I'm missing something... not sure.

Compare the following cases:
1. In Hierarchy, create >  tk2d > Slice Sprite (this works fine)

2. Take an existing Game Object.  Component > 2D Toolkit > Sprite > tk2dslicesprite.

In case #2, checking the 'box collider' option creates a box collider of 0 size (as opposed to case #1, where the box collider is synced with the size of the sliced sprite).  Additionally, the 'anchor' dropdown is missing in case #2.

Has anyone observed this before? 

Just curious if there is an easy way to fix this issue.  Applying a UIScaleButton to a sprite and clicking it in the Game View properly scales the button as you'd expect (from the center, assuming your anchor point for the sprite is set up for the center).

When applying a UIScaleButton to a SlicedSprite, the anchor appears to always be in the lower left, not in middle.

Is it possible to easily correct this?  I've seen similar questions asked, and it was suggested that the user create a parent GameObject and scale that.  I can definitely do that, but was wondering if there was a 'simpler' solution and/or if this behavior is intentional.

Pages: [1]