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Topics - ErebosGames

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Support / Mesh Collider not seeming to work
« on: April 09, 2013, 07:57:48 pm »
I noticed that when in the sprite batcher, the ground is now a mesh collider, instead of individual box colliders. I read that mesh colliders cannot collide with each other unless they are convex, which the ground sprite batcher cannot be. So, is there a way to use the sprite batcher and have a mesh collider on another object, such as a rock?

Bonus unrelated question still applies: why is gravity so 'fast'? How would I make the crates fall slower?


I'm fairly new to Unity and just started using 2D Toolkit this morning, so this might be an easy fix - but I did spend about 30 mins researching before deciding to post here!

I'm going through the walk-throughs in the documentation and I made a scene that looks like the one at the end of this tutorial:

I created the polygon collider on the rock, and the box trimmed collider on the crate. I added a physics rigidbody component to both the crate and the rock. When I hit play, the box falls onto the ground as it should, but the rock falls straight through. From doing some research, I saw that maybe I needed to select the 'Convex' option on the mesh collider. I tried that, and after hitting play again, the same thing happens. BUT, when looking back at the convex option, it has been deselected! As soon as I hit play, the convex option deselects itself.

Bonus unrelated question: gravity seems super fast, as in the crates and rock fall very quickly. How would I go about adjusting the speed of gravity?

Here is the inspector for the rock:

Here is what my scene looks like exactly:

Here is what the rendered scene looks like: (notice how the rock is not there - it just falls straight through the ground objects)

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