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Topics - zachprinz

Pages: [1]
I know it seems counter productive, but here is my situation.

I am creating an inventory and item system using another add-on called BlindGUI.

The Items when picked up are put into an ItemContainer, which is then put into the Inventories Array.

Each ItemContainer is attached to a OnScreenImage, which represents the item inside of the ItemContainer visually. It's basically a picture that I'm using to pass off interaction to the contained items "WhenClicked" method.

The problem is the Items are all sprites until they are put in the inventory, and I was hoping to be able to load the Items Texture directly from its sprite into the OnScreenImage that's representing it on the inventory.

I tried to use "sprite.Collection.textures[itemSpriteId]" to return the texture but soon realized that that returns the entire Atlas. 

So I'm looking for 1 of 2 things: 1) a way to return the texture of ONLY that sprite. or 2) A way to create a new atlas for every sprite.


Also, I hope some of that made since.

Hey, so I have a series of bushes, and I want these to collide with the user and stop the user from moving, which they do. But once I put them into a static sprite batcher and commit it, they all loose their box colliders and the player can walk right through them.

Also, When making a top down game is the best day to set up your world in the scene like so?

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