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Topics - x0adam0x

Pages: [1]
Support / Having trouble getting sprite on same layer as tilemap
« on: January 31, 2014, 01:37:40 am »
I'm trying to set up a simple platformer.

Right now I've got moving left and right down, and am in the middle of trying to get jumping working but I had to add gravity.

So what I did was add a rigid body to the sprite, then I added a block collider to the sprite on the tilemap.

Does this have anything to do with the layering?

The sprite just keeps falling downwards and is not catching on the platform at all.

Sorry I'm a complete noob and used the search function as well as looked at some platformer demos and no luck.
I'm more of an artist ;)

Support / Hi there! Tilemap question!
« on: January 28, 2014, 04:34:52 am »
So I'm a complete noob at this, but I've tried using a tutorial for Tile maps.

I just want to get a feel for mapping with 2DTK & get a character running around.

The issue I'm running into is importing the tile map.

So what I do is I create a sprite collection, drag the image into my assets.
Then I open the sprite collection editor, from what I can see in the tutorial there should be a spot at top right to drag the tilemap into, all I see is
the left part where it says drag sprite here.

I tried that but don't get any config or settings for it so I'm assuming it is wrong.

I'm completely new to Unity & 2DTK, I've had both for a while but just starting using them now as I have time.
I am more of a pixel artist ;)

Support / I've bought 2D toolkit, yet it tells me to purchase it?
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:48:08 pm »
I'm in unity, I open asset store and find 2D Toolkit but it's telling me to pay still, I bought 2D toolkit.
I bought it on May 10th and it's cleared and everything.

I'm not sure why I can't access it.

Support / Before I purchase I have a few questions
« on: May 06, 2013, 08:02:27 pm »
I have a few questions regarding the 2D Toolkit and unity in general.
I am a complete noob but am attempting to study Unity, I've subscribed to Digital Tutors and am taking the scripting course at the moment.

With Unity I understand it can be a chore creating a 2D game, but 2D Toolkit is geared towards making it a hell of a lot easier.
Everything I've seen so far has been from a sidescroller perspective, Is it just as easy to create a top down game?
First game I want to take a swing at is an extremely simple bare bones top down 2D RPG.

Nothing crazy, just something simple to build from.


Something along the lines of this ^

I'm primarily focused on 2D Games and have no interest in creating 3D ones, I've always wanted to develop a game but never took the plunge.
I finally figured that I should stop wasting time and learn now, I'm 23 now and if I wait too long I'll never end up doing it.
I guess what I'm wondering is can I create a top down 2D game with Unity, 2DTK & scripting alone?

I know it will be a lot of work but one thing I have is time, Any links to 2DToolkit tutorials or guides would be more than welcome as well.

Thanks for your time.

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