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Topics - lofl

Pages: [1]
Support / Text Input does not work Input Method Editor
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:54:06 pm »
I placed Text Input prefab and Build project.

But I can't use Input Method Editor.

Doesn't Text Input support Inputting CJK characters?

Support / BasicButton size
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:20:12 pm »
I placed BasicButton prefab along with 2D Toolkit Document and changed texture in tk2dSlicedSprite.
It is simply filled one color and no transparent pixel.
Then I build my project and execute.

In this exe, Button size is a little bit larger than tk2dSlicedSprite setting.
Probably it is about 1.2 times.
What brought this on?

Thank you.

Support / about UI prefab
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:48:27 pm »
How can I get tk2dSlicedSprite in UI prefab(e.g. BasicButton, TextInput)?

And  I'd appreciate if you would teach me how to fit collider at runtime.

Thank you!

Support / Can I redefine SpriteCollection at runtime?
« on: June 12, 2013, 03:38:56 am »

I am going to emigrate from another sprite system.

That code is creating all sprite at runtime.

I want to create sprite with another rect of the texture used by created SpriteCollection.

But, when creating the first sprite, the information on the sprite created later is unknown.

Can I add new rect to created SpriteCollection?


I create sprite dynamically using CreateFromTexture.
And I want to create some more sprite from that texture.

Simply I copy code CreateFromTexture, one more spritecollection is created.
But I want to reuse texture.

Pages: [1]