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Topics - Arktor314

Pages: [1]
Support / iOS Performance w/ Multiple Animated Sprites
« on: June 25, 2013, 07:29:34 am »
My RTS-like game is experiencing bad performance hits after around 20-30 animated sprites are on the screen at once. From the profiler (below), it looks like most of the performance hit is being caused by Draw calls. I already have the terrain in Static Sprite Batchers - is there a way for me to more efficiently render 20-30 different animated sprites (composed of, 4-8 different sprite collections) that won't bomb performance?

Code: [Select]
Phone Unity internal profiler stats:
cpu-player>    min: 14.0   max: 10947.3   avg: 532.5
cpu-ogles-drv> min:  2.3   max:  9.4   avg:  3.9
cpu-present>   min:  0.9   max: 16.5   avg:  4.4
cpu-waits-gpu> min:  0.9   max: 16.5   avg:  4.4
 msaa-resolve> min:  0.0   max:  0.0   avg:  0.0
frametime>     min: 19.3   max: 10983.1   avg: 546.7
draw-call #>   min:  31    max:  43    avg:  37     | batched:    19
tris #>        min:  1297  max:  1405  avg:  1351   | batched:   134
verts #>       min:  1874  max:  2118  avg:  1997   | batched:   384
player-detail> physx:  6.2 animation:  0.0 culling  0.0 skinning:  0.0 batching:  1.3 render: 18.7 fixed-update-count: 0 .. 30
mono-scripts>  update: 150.0   fixedUpdate: 119.6 coroutines: 14.7
mono-memory>   used heap: 5124096 allocated heap: 8425472  max number of collections: 12 collection total duration: 433.5

Support / Help! Sprites disappearing at different camera angles!
« on: May 28, 2013, 05:46:16 am »
I've got a perspective camera at an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal. Everything was working fine until I tried swapping out the default terrain with new much more colorful 2D sprites, which has caused the other sprites to disappear frequently depending where the camera is located. (See below pictures: The sprite that the red arrow points at disappears when the camera moves slightly to the left.)

The sprites themselves are at the same height and parallel to the terrain (as shown).

I tried changing the camera's transparency sorting to orthographic, but that didn't help (possibly made it worse.) I reverted that and tried switching the camera to orthographic, but that didn't help. The only thing that does seem to help is changing the camera angle to orthographic AND pointing it down so it faces the terrain directly, but I really don't want to do that (everything so far has been designed based on an isometric angle.)

Pages: [1]