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Topics - jc_ospina

Pages: [1]
Support / White sprites
« on: May 28, 2013, 04:26:24 pm »
Hi guys

First of all, congratulations for 2DToolkit, it's a great tool and has saved me a lot of work. I'm working on an interactive tale for kids, i use a lot of sprites to display the different elements, that is, backgrounds, buttons, characters, etc. It works perfectly in two tablets i was using for testing, but when i install it in other devices, some of the sprites appears as white boxes, i've tried changing the images size, the atlas size for each spritecollection, applied compression, etc and eve if it fixed some of the issues, there are a lot of sprites that still appears as white boxes. I'm running out of ideas and i would appreciate any help you can give me

Thank you so much

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