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Topics - mukarillo

Pages: [1]
Support / Advanced Collision with angle
« on: September 27, 2015, 07:03:13 pm »
Hi there,

I'm using Advanced Collision to make a fighting game. I've managed to compare two rects to check for collision using this code:

Code: [Select]
float originX = (currentSprite.FlipX) ? -currentSprite.CurrentSprite.customColliders[i].origin.x : currentSprite.CurrentSprite.customColliders[i].origin.x;
Rect collisionRect = new Rect(

But now i'm facing another problem, i got a sprite with a 45 degree angle, like this:

But when I run that code into this kind of image, this happen:

I coudn't find a way to rotate a Rect, how can i do that?

Thanks! :D

Support / Pixelated sprite blurred
« on: May 24, 2015, 05:46:12 pm »
Hi there,

I've got a sprite that is made in pixel art, but when i create a tk2dSprite, it's kinda blurry. There's a way to get the real image in-game?

Here's a example:


Support / Detecting collision between 2 Advanced Collider
« on: May 22, 2015, 02:32:42 am »
Hello there,

I'm making a fighting game and i need multiple boxes colliders in a single sprite, and the Advanced Collider functionality is perfect for it. But i don't know how to check if my hurtbox "overlaps" the hitbox.

I already tried to use this:
Code: [Select]
But i don't know how to compare their both.

Can someone help me with that?

Support / Low fps on iPhone4
« on: June 25, 2013, 03:46:27 am »
Hello guys, Im doing this app aiming ios devices and i achieved a good result at iPad, but when i put the same app in iPhone4, it gets lagged and low fps(10 fps). I read a bit about what was doing that and now i think its aboult the shader... my project has 6 animated objects and more than 15 textures, some of them i tween. 99% of them have alpha and i think iphone4 is having some trouble to render it...

My question is: whats the best/fast shader to use for iOS iPhone4 for these objects with alpha??

Thank you very much,

PS: i got this shader from internet but it keeps spamming "Shader wants normals, but the mesh  doesn't have them" on console.

Shader "Scripts/NewAlphaShader" {
    Properties {
        _Color ("Color Tint", Color) = (1,1,1,1)
        _MainTex ("SelfIllum Color (RGB) Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white"
    Category {
       Lighting On
       ZWrite Off
       Cull Back
       Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
       Tags {Queue=Transparent}
       SubShader {
            Material {
               Emission [_Color]
            Pass {
               SetTexture [_MainTex] {
                      Combine Texture * Primary, Texture * Primary

Support / Big Animation problem
« on: June 11, 2013, 11:38:36 pm »
Hello guys,

Im making this project where i have a huge animation texture with 120 frames.
I cant just put them in some atlas, because i'll need like, 60 of them to get all textutures.

What should i do?


Pages: [1]