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Topics - 7thsmith

Pages: [1]
Support / Use tk2dUIItem or tk2dButton
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:54:02 pm »
I am having a little bit of a problem and I hope this has not been discussed in another forum. 

I wanted to know if it is better to use UIItem or the tk2dButton class for a button in my game?  I am using 2 buttons to move a character either to the left or to the right.  Right now I am using UIItem and it works but there is a delay when I click on either of the buttons.  When I click either of the buttons there is a 1 second delay before the character starts moving. 

I need the player to move while a player is pressing either of the buttons but I can't get that to work with tk2dButton, it only calls my method once.


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