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Topics - kag359six

Pages: [1]
Support / How to enlarge the touch area (collider) of a tk2dUIItem?
« on: July 19, 2013, 01:53:41 am »
Enlarging the box collider I have attached to the UIItem doesn't work. The touch or click only registers when it is touched at the bottom of the button. How can I make the region bigger so it's easier to click/touch?

Support / OnDown event not triggering
« on: July 18, 2013, 07:24:56 pm »
I have a collider with a tk2dUIItem attached to it. I set the GameObject to send the message to, and in the script of that GameObject I added the  method "onReset" to OnDown inside "void Start()". Why isn't the onReset method being triggered when i click on the UIItem?

Support / Text Mesh jumps down slightly when text added in script
« on: July 13, 2013, 09:25:35 pm »
I'm trying to change the text property of a text mesh in my scene. I used "scoreMesh.text = score.ToString()" to modify it. When the text changes the mesh jumps down several pixels from its original y position. Any ideas? This didn't happen a few days ago when playing around with text meshes.

Support / Zooming in while maintaining UI position?
« on: July 03, 2013, 01:31:45 am »
I'm having trouble with the GUI system in Toolkit2D. Say I have a text mesh for score keeping in game, how can I get stuff like buttons, menu's etc. to keep the same screen position when the camera zooms in and out? Is it possible?

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