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Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I'm a newbie Unity programmer from Germany, and I stumbled about 2D Toolkit and instantly bought it (because I only released 2D games for iOS / Android so far, using Corona Labs SDK).

As a starting point I played around with the WhackAMole tut, and I like it!

But one thing I just don't get:

Even when all the z coords for the sprites are correct, the z order of the sprites in the editor view is corrupt:

Please see screenshot "WhackAMole-Sprites1.png".

It shows the unchanged tutorial files, "landscape" is z = 10, "sky" is z = 11 and still the sky is shown on top of the landscape.

But when I switch to the game view everything is in order, see screenshot "WhackAMole-Sprites2.png"

I'm sorry, I didn't find anything about it in the older postings, so I must be missing something really obvious here (at least obvious for everybody else...).

Thanks and best,

Pages: [1]