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Topics - JFBillingsley

Pages: [1]
Support / TK2D 2.1 + Unity 4.2.0f4 = weird inspector rendering issues
« on: October 16, 2013, 08:32:15 am »
For some reason all of the custom inspectors associated with 2D Toolkit now render incorrectly after I've updated Unity. Have a look:

"But that looks perfectly normal," you say. Well, what if I told you that I have the last three characters in the "Text" field selected?

The text cursor and text selections simply aren't rendered in any text input boxes. There are also other minor issues such as checkboxes not displaying their "pressed" state, simply switching immediately between on and off, and buttons don't seem to "press in" when I push them, but these are cosmetic issues... the invisible text cursor is a real usability pain.

It only seems to happen in TK2D's custom inspectors. I don't think any of the other plugins I'm using have custom inspectors so I don't know if it's just TK2D or if it's ALL custom inspectors. Default inspectors render fine.

Is this a known issue?

Repro steps:

1) Make a blank GameObject
2) Put a tk2dUIItem script on it
3) Drag that same GameObject into the "Send Message Target" slot on the tk2dUIItem
4) Drag the GameObject into the project pane to make it a prefab

The "Send Message target" slot in the prefab (and in any instances of it) is now null, and can never be changed. I swear it didn't use to do this with previous versions of TK2D...

This isn't a huge deal, just a minor annoyance ;)

For instance, I set the max atlas size to 1024 and it says it can't pack everything into the atlas. I set the max atlas size to 2048 and it works fine... and spits out an atlas that's 1024x1024. So obviously it CAN fit everything, but maybe the check for this is/isn't taking something into account when it should/shouldn't?

I've noticed sometimes the padding on sprites can keep it from fitting them into the atlas, even when the atlas's texture mode is set to clamp (so there's no padding needed on the edge). Maybe this has something to do with it?

Support / Problems with atlasing long, narrow images (2.1)
« on: September 04, 2013, 05:13:58 am »
I've got an animation that consists of 17 very skinny images (1440x144). Since it's going to be part of an animation, I don't want to dice them as I hear that does horrible things to performance. The problem is that they really should all fit in a 2Kx2K atlas, but.... well:

TK2D wtf r u doin

All these images would fit with plenty of room to spare if it stacked them up like pancakes, but for some reason the packing algorithm wants to turn them at strange angles and waste space, and then it whines that it can't fit everything.

Is there some way to "coerce" the algorithm into doing the proper thing?

Support / tk2dCameraAnchor odd behavior in-editor (Unity 4.2, TK2D 2.10)
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:50:11 am »
For some strange reason the camera pixel size is often reported as 640x480, regardless of what size the camera actually is. This causes the anchors to move to odd positions, especially when switching between the game and scene views. I was able to make it work a little better by commenting out the UpdateTransform call inside tk2dCameraAnchor.LateUpdate, but..

Let me guess, this is something silly that Unity does that there's no way to work around, right? ;)

Support / Changing properties of multiple sprite collections all at once
« on: August 10, 2013, 03:18:38 am »
Suppose I have 45 sprite collections. Suppose also that I'd like to change the texture compression on all those sprite collections. Suppose, in addition, that I would not like to have to click a sprite collection, click "Open Editor", change the texture compression, and click "commit" 45 times. Suppose I've done this three times already and I've had about enough of it ;)

FWIW I'm still using 1.92 because of reasons so maybe this is something that's been added in a newer version, but for my sanity, is there any way to make this easier? I looked into trying to script this in the editor but there doesn't seem to be a simple "Commit" method of sprite collections or anything like that.

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