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Topics - ephro

Pages: [1]
Support / GUIText Positioning in GameObject
« on: August 16, 2013, 02:15:33 am »
I'm trying to use an Empty Game Object to make a prefab. For the text in it I am trying to use GUIText. When I make the prefab then position it on the screen the GUIText object moves much farther than the rest of the objects in the PreFab. For example if I move the GameObject 10 pixels the GUIText probably moves 1000 pixels in the "Game" window.

I set my Pixels per meter to be 1, I tried setting my origins to bottom left and center. I tried changing the scale parameters of the GUIText, but nothing makes it work.

Is there something I am missing?

Support / TextMesh Moving Position After Commit
« on: August 15, 2013, 12:42:43 am »
I'm pretty new to Unity and 2d Toolkit. I had a problem where when I had a textmesh positioned where I wanted it on screen it would stay there. After I would change the text and do a Commit it would move down in the scene. I finally figured out that I had to click the "Fit" button in the inspector and it would move to where it would be post-Commit, and I could then position it properly in the editor. Is this normal, or am I just doing something wrong?

Pages: [1]