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Support / Ui demo buttons all have missing Script
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:59:47 pm »

I am having using TK2d UI bits. I followed the instruction to try to get a button in my scene to the point of adding a basic button  from your demo code. At this point when opening the button in the inspector I find that all the script are missing. At some time I delete your demo directory's but have since re import them. I also find the when I run integrity checker it come up with some many GUID errors I cant see the top or the bottom. So if I delete TK2d and then re-import integrity checker  is find but all item in my scene now have all the TK2D script's missing but the basic button is find. I copied the TK2d directory to a new folder and the imported again and then did a file compare and find the all files are the same but not the meta ones. So now I am stuck that to get your buttons working I will need to either find each script for button or for the whole of my scene. So could you please advise. The version of TK2d is  2.3.3



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