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Topics - SkyboardSoftware

Pages: [1]
just wanted to get your views on this error.   

I transferred my project to a mac vm with unity to build to ios and i am getting this error.  I have done this before and no error. 

same version on both pc and mac.

I will keep on trying and see what happens.

check attachment for screenshot...


Support / Animations have stopping working
« on: January 11, 2014, 12:37:15 am »
using Unity 4.3

I made a little video of what has happened.  Not all my animations have stopped just one set in paticular.  I am not sure what I should do to make them work again...

you will see in the sprite animation timeline they are all present but when the animation is in the player nothing happens...


Just found another posting about v2.3.3

line 633 of tk2dSpriteAnimator needs

int currFrame = (currentClip.frames.Length > 1) ? ((int)clipTime % (currentClip.frames.Length + currentClip.frames.Length - 2)) : 0;

for the pingpong to work correctly.  sweet all is good now.

Pages: [1]