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Topics - rxmarcus

Pages: [1]
Support / SpriteCollectionData has incorrect value for "Count"
« on: June 07, 2015, 06:04:32 am »
I'm trying to use the .Count property of several SpriteCollectionData assets, and I've found that some of the counts do not reflect the true number of sprites inside. (So I'm getting out of index errors) I have a few sprite collections where I removed a few sprites, and so I'm guessing that the SpriteCollectionData is not updating that count property when you remove sprites?

You can see here, that during debug the sprite collection is saying it has 5 sprites, in reality you can see it only holds 4. I have other sprite collections that appear to show the correct sprite count as well.
Any idea why this is happening? I'm running Unity 5.0.2f1.

Support / Dealing with large sprites and Animation
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:24:38 pm »
I am working on a project that involves animations that are made up of large sized images. For example I have 1 animation that is 20 images that are each 2048 x 1371.
I just have no idea how to approach getting something like this to animate because the images are of course much too large for a single or even several sprite collections. I attempted using dicing but it doesn't seem to have much of an affect. Any tips on what approach to take in this situation?

Thanks in advance.

Support / SetFrame not working while animation is stopped
« on: August 08, 2014, 08:34:58 am »
I found a post a few years old taht talked about not being able to set a frame on an animation unless the animation is stopped.  Supposedly that was fixed way back then, but I've just encountered the problem and was able to set my frame by calling Play on the animation, setting the frame, then calling Stop immediately.  Just wanted to bring this up in case it has some how become broken again?  Would be nice to be able to set frame while an animation is stopped.


Support / Never ending "Rebuilding Index"
« on: July 14, 2014, 04:30:36 pm »
I've searched the forums and seen many people in the past have the issue of "Rebuilding Index" appear and cycle for infinity, but haven't found a solution for myself. 
For the first time in my project I'm trying to create an sprite animation using a sprite sheet. 

When I create a new SpriteAnimation, Open Editor, and choose "Create -> New clip", the Rebuilding Index message appears and continues forever.  Unity displays the error "Unable to find sprite collection. This is a serious problem."  I just updated 2DToolkit to the latest version today, but it did not help.  Also I do use SVN, if that makes a difference. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Support / Keeping sprites looking great at various Camera Zooms
« on: March 24, 2014, 10:29:30 pm »
Our game is 4 player on the same screen.  Because of this our 2dtk camera is frequently zooming in close on the action when players are close together and zooming out pretty far when players are spread far apart.  We have created our player sprites at a large enough resolution that they look good when the camera is zoomed in close, but when the camera is zoomed out far (0.25 zoom factor), the players look very blurry/blocky.  I'm not super experienced with 2dtk yet so I'm wondering if it has any features that would allow our player sprites to look clean and crisp at any zoom factor that the camera is currently set to.

Thanks for your time.

Support / Updated 2DTK, getting 'tk2dEditorSpriteDataUnloader' error
« on: March 10, 2014, 04:42:49 pm »
I updated the 2DTK from the unity asset store into my project, now when running my project im getting  'The name 'tk2dEditorSpriteDataUnloader' does not exist in the current context.

It is a script error found in the 'tk2dSpriteCollectionData.cs' (564,17)

Any help on resolving this? Or should I just revert back to the old version?

Support / Getting camera's viewable width/height in Unity units
« on: January 04, 2014, 10:03:22 pm »
Hey guys,
I am making a multiplayer game similar to Smash Brothers.  My game has multiple players on the same screen at once, and I am trying to make the camera zoom in and out as players are close together or farther apart from each other.

I intend to simply gather the minimum and maximum X,Y values from each player so I can find the X and Y distances that the farthest out players are in the game, and then need to use that information to zoom my camera in or out.

For example, if player 1 is at x = 50 and player 2 is at x = 250, then my camera needs to zoom to a point that views around 200 unity units.  Does anyone have an idea of how I can determine how many unity units my tk2dCamera is viewing at any given time?

More likely than not I'm thinking about this in the wrong way, so any suggestions or ideas are welcome as well.  Thank You.

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