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Topics - rhart

Pages: [1]
Support / How to get sharp text and sprites under iOS on iPad?
« on: April 30, 2012, 07:33:01 pm »
I am essentially taking text that a user has typed in on their iPad keyboard and display it in a word balloon, so I need the balloon to look really crisp as well as the text. I set the word balloon up as a sprite and I did a text mesh for the text.

On the desktop things look pretty nice, however when I build onto my first gen iPad, the sprites and text are looking fairly pixelated. I tried running some of the demo scenes that come with the toolkit on the device, and I'm seem to be getting similar results.

It it possible to achieve really sharp text and sprite graphics under iOS on an iPad with 2DToolkit. If it is, can anything think of anything I could be doing wrong that I may be able to check. Achieving crisp text seems to be be quite a challenge in Unity, and I'd like to avoid using gui text and Unity GUI if possible.

Support / How do dynamicaly instantiate a tk2dTextMesh at runtime?
« on: April 27, 2012, 06:13:57 pm »
I have a need to dynamically add text into the scene at runtime. There may end up being multiple text meshes added to the scene by the user.

I have tried create a tk2dTextMesh in the editor and than dragging it into a prefab. Once I have the prefab, I tried to instantiate it and place it into the scene. For some reason it keeps telling me the prefab is null.

However when I manually drag the prefab into the scene, the default text shows up no problem. Any ideas I what I may be messing up or alternative approaches I could try would be greatly appreciated. Thanx

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