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Topics - anfemaPeter

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Support / Textmesh messed up after reactivating
« on: March 06, 2014, 03:43:51 pm »
Hi there,

I used 2D-Toolkit in some of my projects and it always worked as expected and saved me a lot of work :)
But now I got a serious problem: In my newest project I have to deactivate a label-GameObject, which holds a textMesh as a child. After reactivating the label-GameObject the textMesh gets totally messed up in scale and also in the displaying of the characters. I made some screenshots to visualize my problem more in detail and also included the used settings of the textMesh.

Normal label-GameObject

After disabling and enabling of the label-GameObject

This are the settings I'm using. I tried scaling the gameObject of the textMesh and also the textMesh itself.

I'm hoping someone of you can help me with this one :)

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